
Heat Sensitive Paint Ideas by Shi Yuan

Heat Sensitive Paint Ideas by Shi Yuan

These are some pretty impressive uses for heat sensitive paint used by Shi Yuan. The poster above reacts when you touch it. The wallpaper reacts to a rise in temperature, and the calendar fades away during the day. It's a wonder why people aren't currently marketing these kinds of things to every day users.


Heat Sensitive Paint Ideas by Shi Yuan

Heat Sensitive Paint Ideas by Shi Yuan


Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Hero and Villain Series by Simon C Page

The Dark Side

These sweet posters are part of the Hero and Villain series by Simon C. Page. They feature some well known rivalries: Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader, Batman vs Penguin and Spiderman vs Green Goblin. I especially like the Batman and Spiderman posters which feature the foreground-background optical illusion.

Batman vs Penguin

Spiderman vs Green Goblin


Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Thank me later poster design by Maxime Quoilin

A simple yet beautiful and elegant poster design by Maxime QuoilinSimple yet beautiful and elegant poster designs by Maxime QuoilinThis is a wonderful set of posters by Maxime Quoilin. He does a beautiful job of combining two separate poses into one fluent and elegant, yet simple, design.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Make Your Own Path Poster by Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson takes the meaning of a map and turns it on its head. Instead of using a map your way, he instead gives the message of creating your own path. You can find more of Doug Wilson's work here.

Average: 3 (1 vote)